Happy Birthday ATBaron.com

This year my website turns six. It has been a while since I decided to go public and show off my writing and illustrations. It was more of a hobby back then, but time has changed all of that. Now I have my author website and a site for Otter Things.
If you were a frequent visitor, you would have seen the vast changes over the years. The World Wide Web has come a long way and I have tried to keep my site up to date with all of the new technology and links. I used to have a very basic site with a small provider that offered low cost hosting. This is how my site started out:

This is a very basic design compared to my current site:

I recommend for authors to keep a good site to help promote their work. Some of the aspects of a good site are linking to social websites, displaying your works with links to purchase them, a decent contact page, and an up to date blog. I happen to think the most important aspect is a simple user-friendly site. You do not need to have a lot of flashy animation or background music. Just offer your visitors a comfortable and easy way to find out all about you.
I am sure that as time goes on I will have to incorporate new advances in web design; but until then I will work on posting more blog entries.
July 7, 2014 @ 8:09 am
Thank you for your post. Since it was a question regarding my website and not the actual post, I suggest you use the Contact Me link in the future. The theme I use is Adventure Journal By Contexture International. You can download it from WordPress.
Kind regards,
A. T. Baron
Author & Illustrator