Fortune Cookie Friday: Keep on Keeping on
I really do not believe that a tiny cookie can prognosticate the future, but sometimes they catch you off guard. Today’s is a perfect example of that.
I sat at my dining room table with my kids, after we ate breakfast, and debated whether I should get some work done. Thinking about the tasks I needed to work on, I remembered that I still had to write my Fortune Cookie Friday post.
I begrudgingly reached over my shoulder and grabbed the crinkly wrapper of a cookie, from a bowl that I collect them. My daughter offered with the sweetest smile, “I’ll help you eat the cookie.” I considered her generosity was more for getting something sweet, than easing my burden of ingesting more calories. I’m not sure how many calories are in a fortune cookie, since they are not labeled for individual sale, but I do not want to know.
I cracked the cookie open, gave her one of the halves, and giggled over the message in my hand:
No, these are not some pastries of prophesy, but at times like this, you have to feel you are on the right track.