Fortune Cookie Friday: Don’t Fear the Reaper
With events unfolding around the world, of wars and rumors of wars, it is easy to have feelings of fear and dread. The social sites are a whirl with posts on the terrorist attacks in Paris, bombs taking down planes, and killings in the streets of multiple countries. It is a lot to take in, and some have become not only scared, but also angry.
Now, I wouldn’t say that I am a pacifist, but I also don’t have violent tendencies. I yell at my kids as much as the next parent, especially when they lie. I also have choice words for drivers that cut me off, or get angry with me for following the rules of the road, but inadvertently delaying them. I’m human; I make mistakes. I try not to make mistakes and ask for forgiveness when I get impatient with others. In these past few days, I have dealt with many emotions, but I always end up a little sad. I am sad for those that have lost family and friends, sad for the leaders that have to field questions to which they have no good answers. Most of all, I am sad for those that, for whatever reason, took the life of another.
I am a Christian and live by the motto, “Love God, love your neighbor, nothing else matters.” I have a hard time understanding how someone can take another person’s life, especially in the name of God. I understand that we may take a person’s life in the act of self-defense. In a situation where it comes down to them or me, I hope that I can defend myself, but even if the person was intent on killing me, I don’t know if I could recover from taking their life.
Taking a human life tears at the soul, in my opinion, doing that same thing out of hate, can only be more damaging. So how do we deal with the situations occurring around the world? We must turn to what we know. Love begets love, do unto others what you would want done to you, live each day as if it is your last, and try not to fear death, but accept it like an old friend. In the end, whether it is today or fifty years from now, death is something we must accept. If you are like me, you feel comforted by the fact that there is a place in heaven for you, with God. For those that have different beliefs than mine, I pray that yours is as loving and kind; if they are not, I pray that you will reconsider your beliefs and not give way to hate and anger. A soul is a precious thing, and it is a shame to tear it apart by our violent actions.