Fortune Cookie Friday: It’s a Simple Life for Me
I find myself cleaning a lot this time of year. With preparing for parties, and switching out warm weather clothes for my winter woolies, I inevitably have to tidy up and discard. In the process of all this cleaning, it never surprises me to find some old tchotchke that was stowed in a box, or a misplaced photograph of times gone by. I recently unearthed a couple of gift cards to various coffee shops. Ooh, coffee! That warm beverage with an enticing buzz (sorry, I couldn’t help myself).
What I was about to say was, simplifying your life can be very rewarding. You can slough off the weight of the unnecessary and find renewal. It can be a fresh start. It is also a great time of year to do just that. New Years is around the corner and without the burden of clothes that you cannot fit into, files from the ‘90’s, and the numerous paintings and crayon drawings from your children (don’t worry, I keep some for nostalgia), you can make room for wonderful new experiences.
This back to the basics approach is one of the best things you can do, to give yourself a boost when you feel overwhelmed with the world.