Fortune Cookie Friday: Bet Your Bottom Dollar
Shopping, shopping, shopping. We all scour the web and search the stores for the best bargains we can get. Whenever I go shopping, even if I make a list, I will inevitably walk out of the store with items that I didn’t need.
Those fantastic bargains get us. You see that something that you may have considered once, but talked yourself out of buying because you didn’t need it. Now the price is incredibly low; pop, into the cart it goes.
How far will you go to get that great bargain? Will you travel long distances? Will you cut and save hundreds of coupons? Will you shop on special days? Is it all really worth it?
I can only answer for myself, but I believe the answer is no. Unless it is a bargain on a necessity, it seems frivolous to jump through hoops to grab that latest deal. If I am researching a new computer or looking into upgrading my camera, I will frugally surf the web for the best deals.
I try to prevent myself from falling prey to impulse buying, but even the best of us will be weak. We just need to remind ourselves that just because it is the lowest price of the year; it won’t fill that hole in our souls. The best way to fill that is with love, kindness, and faith, all 100% free.