Fortune Cookie Friday: Success Is Not the Key to Happiness
When I revealed this week’s fortune cookie, I had the urge to jump up and do my Happy-Happy, Joy-Joy dance. In case you’re wondering, it looks something like the Snoopy dance, but with more spinning. Luckily, for those who would have witnessed it, I was able to resist the urge.
I would love to find out that one of my books was on Amazon’s best seller list. It would be great if I was as well-known for my writing as J.K. Rowling or Rick Riordan. Heck, I would even settle with my Facebook page having more likes than just my family and closest friends. I may not be famous, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not successful.
When I first began writing, I did it out of mental necessity. I had all of these ideas floating around in my head and was unable to get to sleep at night. I started writing down my thoughts before bed and soon noticed that they would make interesting stories. A couple of books later, and sleep comes much more naturally.
Although professional success with my books would be great, I am content with having those books outside of my head and bound in paper. They were the beginnings of my self-publishing career and I learned a lot from them. The knowledge I gained is my success and I am richer for it – maybe not rich in sales, but in experience.
My family life has many successes, as well. I am married to my best friend and soul mate, Will. He loves me for who I am, and puts up with all of my idiosyncrasies – and I have a lot. He supports my writing and makes time to read my works, even though he is busier than seems humanly possible. I had to travel half way across the country to find him, but it was worth it.
Then there are my two kids. I made it through, the terrible twos, dance recitals, teaching them to ride their bikes, and too many skinned knees to count. Now I have a whole new job to tackle, teenagers.
If I manage to get through their mood swings, relationships, learning to drive, prom, and graduation, it will be a grand success. I promise that I will throw a big party for myself, or at least pop open a bottle of wine.
Each new step you take in life is a success. Whether it is making it across the monkey bars without losing your grip, getting a part in the high school musical, or landing that new job; you succeeded. Each of those successes makes you a better person. Each of those experiences brings you a wealth of information, and memories.
Albert Schweitzer said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.” You don’t have to climb Mt. Everest, or be a movie star to be successful. You just have to wake up each morning and live life. You’ve been given one more day to take on the world, and that is success in itself.