Barred Owl Illustration
I received a request from Kelly Stang, NY DEC wildlife biologist and coordinator of NY’s Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program. She was wondering if I would like to try my hand at a pen and ink style illustration of a Barred Owl for the New York State Habitat & Access Stamp.
The stamp funds supply financial support towards the department’s efforts in improving and conserving fish and wildlife habitat, as well as increasing access to public and private lands for fish and wildlife recreation.
Although this was a last minute sort of job, I decided to give it a whirl. I found some great reference pictures online and started with a general pencil sketch.

After loading it into my computer, I went to work using Corel Painter and my Wacom pen tablet. I made some modifications to the original sketch by shaping it. The sketched owl looked a little too squatty for my liking.
After that, I started on the pen and ink layers. I worked mainly with a fine black marker and then added extra detail with varied bristle brush strokes.

Even if Kelly chooses not to use the illustration, I am pleased with the way it turned out. Let me know what you think.