Fortune Cookie Friday: Good, Better, Best…Time For a Rest
The world that we live in is full of judgment. We receive critiques from family, friends, and professionals. We have to look right, act right, and say just the right things. It can be downright exhausting trying to live up to the standards that others set yet alone the ones we set for ourselves.
So, let’s take a short break for a bit. It’s okay to stop what you’re doing and breathe deeply for a moment. That’s right. Let the air fill your lungs and rejuvenate your spirit. Good.
What were you doing just then? Did you clear your head or think about your day? Did you smell scents in your surroundings or listen to the sounds of life abundant? Maybe you just passed gas. Either way, you were living in the moment, and that is something we all should do on a regular basis.
I have written about achieving perfection in the past. Actually, it was more about the fact that nobody is perfect, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to do our best. Working towards achievement is essential. It’s growth, be it personal or professional. We should strive to improve ourselves, but we should also take a moment to look at who and where we are in life.
We should look around and recognize how much we have changed and how far we have come. It wasn’t long ago that humans were living in the wild, hunting and gathering to survive. We and our society have grown leaps and bounds. In some instances, we may have grown too quickly, and we are dealing with the crooked consequences of that spurt. But we have also matured in many ways, and we should revel in the growth that we have accomplished.
When we add our personal story to that compendium of life, it gives us perspective. Those astronomical problems won’t feel so vast, and the minute things in life can shine forth and be cherished. There is nothing wrong with smelling a few roses in the day.
Living in the moment can replenish our lust for life and give us guidance towards our next goal. It’s the halftime during the football game, where we take a break and review our plays. If we’re lucky, we can find some entertainment. Then we hydrate up and head back out on the field.
So, yes, work hard. Try to do the best and grow, but remember that if we don’t take a little time to recognize and reminisce, we will never be remembered for all of that hard work.