Fortune Cookie Friday: If Only
If only our wishes came true…
If only is a common phrase used to express a wish. We use it in statements such as, “If only I had known,” “If only I were honest with them,” or “If only I hadn’t slept late.” We use phrases like these to display our regret for the mistakes we made in the past. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about the past except remember it and learn from it.
We also use if only when we wish for things to happen in the future—and usually don’t. “If only there were world peace.” “If only I had super powers.” “If only I could be young again.” We make these statements thinking they will ultimately make us happier. We often say, “I would be happier if only I had more money.” This one wish is plausible, but we are also lying to ourselves by saying it.
Money, or whatever legal tender our society deems fit, can aid us in attaining many necessities, but it isn’t necessary to survive. We also don’t need it to be happy. Money won’t bring us true happiness. It can make things easier, but it also brings along hardship.
We have to earn money if we want it. That means we have to work for it unless we are lucky enough to win it in a lottery. But picking the winning numbers in a Powerball won’t give you the happiness you deserve. According to researchers, people were happier when they earned their money rather than receiving it as a gift or inheritance. Even then, we have to deal with all of the complications of handling our finances.
But how much money do we need? Will we be happy with $10, $1,000, or $1,000,000? Would owning all of the money in the world give us a carefree life? Surely others would want what we had, and we certainly can’t take it with us when we pass on.
Why are we only happy if only our wishes come true? I think we are all wishing for the wrong things. Why should we want fame or fortune to be happy? Why not just wish for happiness? Why wish at all?
When it comes to happiness, we have to remember that it comes from within. Our satisfaction with the experiences we have gives us that feeling of fulfillment. We don’t need more money to make us happy. We can work towards happiness with our close social ties, setting and attaining goals, and finding a purpose in our lives, but true happiness is a state of mind.
Hmm, I guess we would all be happier if only everyone understood how to be happy.