New Portfolio Addition
For those who follow me, you probably know that I love otters. That was why I started my shop, Otter Things, to sell my illustrations to other otter lovers. The last Wednesday of May is International Otter Day (or World Otter Day), and The Otter Specialist Group (OSG) held an art contest to celebrate the day. The organization requested art entitled, “A Day in the Life of an Otter” and to represent one of the thirteen species of otters.
I submitted a digital pen and ink with a color wash of a happy North American River Otter with the catch of the day.

I didn’t win the competition but thoroughly enjoyed creating this illustration. I am happy to add this new work to my artist portfolio. I highly recommend artists, especially beginners, to challenge themselves in their work. Competitions are a great way to do that. Other options are social media events such as Inktober, MerMay, and a Daily Sketch for a Year. These challenges are a fantastic way to keep you practicing your techniques and help you develop your style.