Fortune Cookie Friday: Luck
This week’s fortune was one that made me slightly worried…
I pondered on the thought, if I was an optimist, that this should be a fortune that would put a spring in my step, and have me whistling by one o’clock. Most people would think, “Wow, I’m in for some really good luck.” “Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket,” or, “I should ask that girl on a date.” However, what if, like me, you have been having decent luck as of late. Does this mean that your luck will improve, or will it turn south? This does not bode well for me.
I have been enjoying myself for a few weeks; I recently celebrated my birthday, the winter snows are officially gone from our area, and creativity has been practically bursting from my pores. Getting a fortune like this is a bit unnerving. Now, I won’t go running to a storm shelter, screaming about the end of the world, but the ambiguity of this future makes me think that good times are behind me.
I guess the question is, do we put any stock in statements like this, not because it comes from a cookie, but because it could mean just about anything, and it is all relative. Honestly, doesn’t everyone’s luck change on a constant basis? Don’t we all have ups and downs? Does some nebulous warning really change our actions? Maybe, it just depends on how you look at your life and the world around you.
I always liked the quote by Clancy Brown’s character, Kurgan, from the movie Highlander (1986). He stands in a church, with a few people in various extents of prayer, and confesses, “I have something to say! It’s better to burn out than to fade away!” Live each moment to the fullest, cherish every second…and maybe eat a different type of cookie.