Fortune Cookie Friday: Be Enthusiastic
These days we are bombarded by flashy videos, catchy jingles, and anything else that aims at to get our attention and keep it. Keeping your fan’s or customer’s attention is critical in a successful sale. Is that what life is about? I say no; it is not just the attention grabbing signals we send, but also the open attitude of the individual.
Teachers are constantly trying new techniques to keep the interests of their students. Unfortunately, it is also up to the students to be interested. I apologize to my younger fans, but you won’t learn unless you want to learn.
Between teaching Sunday school, appearing at author visits, and encouraging my own kids, I have found that reaching those that are not interested or enthusiastic, can be daunting and exhausting. I want to share my knowledge of a subject that gives me great joy; I am giving you a gift. There are those days that the response they give is similar to the response after getting that hideous handmade sweater from Aunt Henrietta on Christmas.
If individuals were open to all aspects of life, even the boring ones, then they could always take something away from the experience. Remember, that sweater will keep you warm on cold winter days and if you spill hot chocolate on it, you won’t feel so bad about staining it.