Fortune Cookie Friday: Pontification from Po
I ate some Chinese food for lunch the other day and was shocked to have a different cookie included. Oh, it was still a fortune cookie, but it had a special wrapper on it and a different style fortune inside.
A picture of DreamWorks Animation’s Po, from Kung Fu Panda, adorned the wrapper. The movie will be showing in theaters January 29. The company is employing a different way to advertise, on a cookie wrapper. But it doesn’t end there. The fortune inside has his little face on it and some prophetic words.
This is one smart panda! Now, I don’t ever eat the paper inside the cookie, but I can imagine some inexperienced person, upon seeing the cookie for the first time, shoving the whole thing in their mouth. I’m sure it wouldn’t take long for them to figure it out that something wasn’t right.
I still have a pile of other fortunes to use for future posts, but this was a nice change.